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Fall lawn care tips

Spring and summer may be the seasons most often associated with landscaping and lawn care, but tending to lawns and gardens is a year-round job. If lawn and garden responsibilities dip considerably in winter, then fall is the last significant chance before the new...

Did you know?

The vibrant colors of spring make this season often associated with rebirth an ideal time for amateur and professional photographers to ply their trades. Various colors, including pink, blue, yellow, purple, and, of course, green are on display each spring, providing...

Simple ways to avoid injury while gardening

During the winter, many people anxiously await the arrival of warm weather so they can get back outdoors. Gardening is one outdoor activity that attracts many a devotee. Although gardening can be a worthwhile and enjoyable hobby for people of all ages, like other...

Suggestions when shopping for fencing

Fences can improve functionality of a yard and provide extra security and privacy. Some fences are decorative while others are functional. Families with children and/or companion animals also may find fencing is a necessity to keep everyone safe and corralled. With a...