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Creative uses for fallen leaves

Millions of leaves fall from tree boughs each fall. Homeowners and landscaping professionals will...

Landscaping needs vary by season

Judging a home by its appearance is often par for the home-buying course. In fact, according to...

Did you know?

While mosquito bites are often harmless, some mosquitoes may transmit diseases and viruses such as...

Helpful and harmful insects

Although it's virtually impossible to count them, insects are the most diverse group of organisms on the planet. Nine hundred thousand different kinds of insects are known to exist. At any given time, it is estimated that there are around 10 quintillion individual...

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Stay safe when gardening in hot weather

Gardening is widely considered as relaxing a hobby as it is rewarding. Although gardening when temperatures are mild, such as in spring and fall, can be relaxing, gardening can be much more physically taxing and even dangerous when temperatures rise during the dog...

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